Welcome to our campain website for free HPV jabs for boys. My friends and i (Sharon Gaffka, Jemma Gersok And Chloe Winterbourne) are trying to get free HPV jabs for boys our age. Because we think that its unfair that only young girls our age can get the jabs when boys are at risk of getting and passing on HPV.  

What is HPV?
HPV is short for the Human Papillomavirus. It is a viral infection spread through the skin from sexual contact. HPV is one group containing over 100 different viruses, atleast 30 types of HPV virus can cause cancer. Unfortunatly there is no cure for HPV, this is why it is important for everyone to get the jab.

Why for boys?
A lot of you are probably laughing saying that boys can't get cervical cancer or HPV, because they dont have a cervix or a vagina. But you are wrong. Boys are at just as much risk to getting HPV as girls are. Anyone who has ever had genital contact with another person can have genital HPV. Both men and women can get it - and pass it on - without even realizing it.

Why the campain?
There is one vaccine brand (Gardasil) to prevent the most common problem caused by HPV in men, genital warts. But this course of jabs would cost around £400 for these jabs. But what about the people that can't afford it? where does that leave them? 

Join our campain!
do our survey at - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/n6wfxq5 
and sign our pettition on - http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/hpvawarenessjabs/